1. Installing Podman

Podman is a containerization tool similar to Docker but focuses on providing a more secure and rootless container environment. Here’s how you can install it according to your system preferences.


  1. Virtualization must be enabled in the system
The podman package is available in the official repositories for Ubuntu 20.10 and newer.

Open a terminal on your Ubuntu system and Update the package list to ensure you have the latest information about available packages:

# Ubuntu 20.10 and newer
sudo apt-get update

Install Podman using the following command:

# Ubuntu 20.10 and newer
sudo apt-get install podman -y

After the installation is complete, Verify the installation by checking the Podman version:

podman --version

Initialize podman machine named orca to configure Podman to work with your user account without requiring root privileges. This is called the “rootless” mode, which enhances security:

podman machine init orca

Start podman machine named orca

You might get this error, if Virtualization did not enable in your system Getting error (Error: exec: "qemu-system-x86_64": executable file not found in $PATH) Issue.

Enabling Virtualization:

  1. To verify, Virtualization status can be checke using the following command
    sudo dmesg | grep kvm
    The output will look like: kvm: disabled by bios if the setting is disabled
  2. Then, run following command to enable it
    sudo modprobe kvm-intel
    if it is also keep giving the following error - could not insert 'kvm_intel': Operation not supported
  3. You have to go in the BIOS and enable Virtualization manually.
podman machine start orca

Verify the orca machine status

podman machine ls
Note that the above steps assume that you’re using a Ubuntu version (typically versions 20.04 and later). If you’re using an older version of Ubuntu, the process might be slightly different.

After completing these steps, you should have Podman successfully installed on your Ubuntu system.

Keep in mind that software and repositories can change over time, so you might want to check the official Podman documentation


1. “could not find “gvproxy” in one of [/usr/local/libexec/podman /usr/local/lib/podman /usr/libexec/podman /usr/lib/podman]”

Solution: To install gvproxy in the Ubuntu just run following command:

    sudo wget https://github.com/containers/gvisor-tap-vsock/releases/download/v0.6.2/gvproxy-linux -O /usr/libexec/podman/gvproxy && sudo chmod +x /usr/libexec/podman/gvproxy