
ORCA is way where user can come to deploy their compute tasks/workloads in the Decentralize Compute NetworK using the just help of the Custom Resource Defination and Custom Resource two most advance and useful resources of the kubernetes.

Follow the given instructions:


  • Go to this website to create new user
  • Click on create user button, and fill the form and sumbit it.
  • After creating user successfully, Log in to get the cluster credentials.
  • Once you logged in, Get kubeconfig of your newly created decentrized kuberntes cluster.
  • Start creating CRs for creating ORCA resources. e.g KoiiPod

    KoiiPod: It is custom resource provided by the ORCA, which creates the a task in the KOII network using the help of the user image and taskid geven by the user in the custom resource.


Simply change the given properties value and save it in a file e.g. example.yml .

apiVersion: operator.orca.io/v1alpha
kind: KoiiPod
    name: example
    namespace: <namespace>
    taskid: <taskid>
    userImageUrl: <userImageUrl>

Run the following the command to create the KoiiPod.

kubectl apply -f example.yaml

After this this task is added in the task queue, will get deployed in the Node Operator.